Qusqu runasimip siq'i llumpan

Alfabeto oficial del Cuzco - Official Quechua Alphabet of Qosqo

Runasimip kunkawakinkuna - Ima hinataq runasimita sumaqta qillqay

a - atuq ch - chaki chh - chhalla ch' - ch'ullu h - hacha i - inti
k - killa kh - khuchi k' - k'usillu l - liwi ll - llama m - michi
n - nina ñ - ñawi p - papa ph - phuyu p' - p'acha q - quwi
qh - qhari q' - q'aytu r - rapi s - sara t - tullu th - thallay
t' - t'ika u - uchu w - waka y - yupi    

Pukyu: http://www.minedu.gob.pe/web/chicos/tareas/info_general/alfaquechua_cuzco/quechua_cusco.htm, IX/2001 (manañam kanchu).

Ima hinataq runasimita sumaqta qillqay - Ortografía quechua - Quechua Orthography

Runasimip kunkawakinkuna, hayka rimanakunapi - Quechua sounds - Sonidos Quechuas

a - atuq, ch - chaki, chh - chhalla, ch' - ch'ullu, h - hacha, i - inti, k - killa, kh - khuchi, k' - k'usillu, l - liwi, ll - llama, m - michi, n - nina, ñ - ñawi, p - papa, ph - phuyu, p' - p'acha, q - quwi, qh - qhari, q' - q'aytu, r - rapi, s - sara, t - tullu, th - thallay, t' - t'ika, u - uchu, w - waka, y - yupi

Last update: Apr 24, 2005. © runasimi.de.  The contents of this page may be distributed for non-commercial purposes, especially for spreading knowledge of the Runasimi language in the world and strengthening its position in its home lands. Please quote the original author (if not mentioned by name, write runasimi.de), and set a link to this page (write down URL, if texts or images of this page are used in printed version).