Bibelauszüge auf Ketschua
Runasimipi - Qhichwa simipi - Kichwa shimipi - Quichua shimipi - Quechua - Ketschua
- Kaypiqa Ch'uya Qillqamanta rakikunatam achka t'ikrasqakunapi ñawinchayta atinki.
- Qhipaq kaq kutisqa: chunka tawayuq kaq punchawpi, chunka kaq killapi, iskay waranqa chunka kimsayuq kaq watapi.

Vaterunser (Mt 6:9-13)
Selig sind (Mt 5:1-13)
Versuchung (Lk 4:1-13)
Das Wort (Jn 1:1-14)
Nikodemus (Jn 3:1-21)
10 Gebote (Ex 20:1-17)
Mein Hirte (Ps 23)
Doktrin 1584
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Last update: 14 Oct 2013. ©
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the world and strengthening its position in its home lands.
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